What is SEO ?


What is SEO|Search Engine Optimization Fundamentals

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a method of bringing targeted traffic to the website from the organic search engine results. Standard practices associated with SEO include creating quality, original content, optimizing content around unique keywords, and establishing backlinks.

In other words, SEO is more about enhancing site rankings in the organic (non-paid) search results section.

The biggest advantage of a specific keyword ranking is that you will get “free” visitors to your web, month after month, leading to higher conversions.

Here are the topics that we have included for you in this comprehensive SEO Sri Lanka guide:

How Search Engines Work
How SEO Works
Organic vs. Paid Results
Why Is SEO Important?
SEO Terms
Customers and Keywords
SEO-Friendly Content
On-Page SEO Basics
Intro to Technical SEO
What is Link Building
Search Intent
Emerging SEO Trends
Alright, let’s get it to all in detail now!

How Search Engines Work: Understanding SEO Sri Lanka Basics in Detail

Search engines are answering systems. They are here to help you find, understand, and arrange the content on the Internet to give the most important answers to the questions asked by the searchers.

To appear in the search results, the content must first be noticeable to the search engines. It’s perhaps the most critical piece of the SEO jigsaw: if search engines can’t find you on the Internet, there’s no chance you’ll even turn up on the Search Engine Results list.

How do search engines work?
Search engines have three main functions:
Crawl: Crawl the contents of the Website, reading at the code/content for each URL they locate.

Index: Store and arrange the contents discovered during the crawling process. When a page is in the database, it will be shown as a consequence of the related queries.

Rank: Include the information that better responds to a searcher’s question, which implies that the answers are sorted from the most important to the least significant.

When getting to know what is SEO, you have to know these basic factors. Have you ever thought that SEO Sri Lanka is only a mirage? Well, no. No results mean you haven’t got SEO right yet.

What is search engine crawling?
Crawling is a discovery method in which search engines send a squad of robots (widely recognized as crawlers or spiders) to locate fresh and modified content. Information-vary — it may be a web page, a picture, a video, a PDF, etc.—but regardless of the format, the information is noticed by a link.

Googlebot begins the whole process by finding a few web pages and then follows the links on those web pages to identify new URLs. By moving down these links’ paths, the crawler can locate new content and apply it to their index named Caffeine — a vast archive of found URLs — to be recovered later while the searcher is looking for knowledge that the material on that URL is a good fit for.

For Googlebot to discover your website, it has to have high-quality, optimized content. SEO keywords scattered at the right places within your content make it happen smoothly.

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What is a search engine index?
Search engines filter and archive the data they locate in the index, a vast collection containing all the content they’ve found, and they believe it’s good enough to satisfy searchers.

Search engine ranking
When anyone searches, search engines scan their index for extremely appropriate information and then prioritize the content in the hope that the searcher’s question can be answered. This is the prime aspect of SEO Sri Lanka services. The ordering of search engine results by significance is known as ranking. In general, you may conclude that the higher the rating of the page, the more important the search engine assumes that the content is to the question.

You can ban search engine crawlers from part or all of your website, or advise search engines to stop storing those pages in their indexes. Although there might be grounds to do this, if you want the content to be identified by searchers, you first need to make sure that it is available to crawlers and indexable.

So, now you can understand why SEO is important! Without it, your website will never show up on search results. And which means nobody would see your company website, leading to complete online failure.

Our tip for you as a leading SEO agency in Sri Lanka: You have to have a website that people rave about! Search engines are programmed to calculate various signals around the web such that they can identify websites that users want the most. Play right in their hands by keeping such signals real and not artificial.

As already described, search engines have spiders or crawlers — not the scary type, but the autonomous robot type.
These spiders gather all sorts of details about your website and the pages that make up your website. This helps them to quickly decide whether to display a page on your web to a searcher. They’re collecting details like page speed, social signals, title tags, internal links, backlinks, etc.

With more than 200 rating criteria used by Google in their algorithm, there are a variety of critical factors to consider and measures that can be taken to try and improve the website. There are on-page and off-page ranking parameters that decide how good the site is configured and, thus, how best it performs. The on-page factors are just as they sound like: factors that are currently on the page. This covers title tags, content, site speed, page URLs, image alt tags, internal links, and more. In the meantime, the off-page variables are almost exclusively dependent on links from other pages to your page.

how seo works


It’s important to bear in mind that these bots are autonomous computer systems, not real people.

As you might guess, that implies there are certain limitations.

They can’t navigate a website like you or we can, as they don’t see the webpage: they’re crawling through the code of the webpage. This indicates that they can’t see pictures or videos, nor are they inspired with glamorous designs or audio recordings.

In reality, they can’t even understand the content as we do! What do you understand by all these facts regarding content that makes your website? It’s content on your website that crawlers and people see. Therefore, the SEO company in Sri Lanka that you choose has to play a significant role in creating such mattering content for your website. It’s not easy, but industry leaders like us do it for clients.

Paid VS Organic Results – What’s the Difference?
The distinction between organic search and paid search is simple: it’s the price.

Although organic search focuses on unpaid search results rankings, paid search focuses on paid ranks. For organic search, organizations use SEO to improve their web exposure or rating in search results. In contrast, paid search mode enables users to pay for a notable spot in search results.

Organic results: the algorithm has determined that these websites would provide the most valuable knowledge due to what you are looking to search, which is why they rate extremely for the keywords you entered in your questions. The page is searched for different items (like proper title tags, meta description, Link, keywords, incredible content, etc.) and the more significant the data, the higher the rating.

Paid search results are simply advertisements compensated for by companies to climb as soon as possible over organic results. Marketers spend resources in SEM (Search Engine Marketing) to (preferably) raise their website to the first page anytime anyone types an inquiry using unique keywords.



To optimize your website to appear in organic search results, you need to use extraordinary SEO strategies to render your website as suitable as possible for search engine algorithms. However, this is only feasible if you have a leading SEO agency in Sri Lanka by your hands.

Advantages of organic results include:

Boosts credibility
Cost nothing
Attracts relevant users
Compounds on its benefits
Delivers an impressive ROI
Supports other marketing channels
Common SEO Terms
You might have already heard of the SEO terms like Title Tags and Meta Description. Do you know the meaning of those? This section explains it all:

Title Tag: Title tags are the internet counterpart to newspaper headlines. They’re what you see in your screen tab when you launch a new page.

Meta descriptions: are what is shown as an extract as Google shows your website as a result of searches. It’s quick to see who did their SEO homework and who doesn’t have a meta description.

seo keyword


Black Hat: Search engine optimization activities that breach Google quality standards.

Webmaster Guidelines: Guides released by search engines such as Google and Bing for the intent of supporting web owners build content that can be identified, indexed, and score well in search engine results.

Google Quality Guidelines: released Google Guidelines outlining techniques that are banned because they are malicious and/or designed to alter search engine results.

Personalization: refers to the manner in which a search engine modifies the outcomes of an individual to variables that are special to them, such as their position and search background.

Duplicate Content: Content that is exchanged among domains or multiple pages within a single domain.

Keyword stuffing: Spammy techniques including excessive usage of keywords and their variations in the content and links.


Scraped Content: stealing content from domains that you do not own and reposting it without authorization on your own website.

Spam Score: a measure used to calculate the relative probability of stigmatization of a domain by utilizing a set of flags that are strongly associated with the pages being penalized.

Bounce rate: the proportion of overall visitors that did not result in any secondary activity on your platform. For eg, if anyone viewed your home page and left before visiting the other pages, it will be a rebounded session.

Time on page: The sum of time anyone spends on your website before clicking on the next page. Since Google Analytics records the time on the website by clicking on the next page, the rebounded sessions would clock time on the page of 0.

Why Is SEO So Important?
What do you know by now? OK, SEO is a safe form of promoting the website. Using SEO to establish a solid audience and yield good leads is key to the success of a website.

More than 70% of B2B researchers are beginning their purchase process with a standardized search.
89% of shoppers perform internet research before making major purchases.
93 percent of online experiences begin with a search engine like Google and Yahoo
Many of the above facts come from reputable sources such as the Search Engine Journal and Retailing Today. These latest statistics clearly explain to you the answer to “Why is SEO important?” People are already utilizing search engines like Google when they even buy a simple item. There are also thousands of product and service suppliers in the world today, which ensures that rivalry is greater than ever before.

How are you going to bring your website through these online customers without SEO?
Customers purchase items and services online, but you have to stay visible to them. As we mentioned, search engine optimization is the process that makes it happen. For this, you need to hire a reliable digital marketing agency in Sri Lanka.

The way we purchase items has changed drastically over the past few years, and much more so when the COVID pandemic has altered our usual ways of living. Imagine that just ten years ago, whether you needed a new TV for your house or a new computer for your company, you usually purchased it from your local shop or from a salesperson who called you cold. It hardly happens in today’s world; we simply go to the Internet and order stuff.

why seo


To explain to you more why is SEO important, we give you the following advantages of it:

Local SEO Improves engagement, traffic & conversion
Organic search is also commonly the main source of traffic on the page
Good SEO It also means a better user experience
SEO Influences of the Purchasing Cycle
Understanding SEO Lets you grasp the internet world
It’s a long-term approach that produces long-term results.
SEO Establishes Trust & Credibility
That’s quantifiable
If you’re not on page 1, you’re not going to earn a click
SEO Best Practices get updated regularly
Customers and Keywords
When it comes to SEO Sri Lanka, these two factors are remarkably crucial elements. First of all, you have to understand your customer or the audience. Your audience is the group of customers that readily buy your product or services.

Keywords are equally important, and you have to have a better understanding of them to get your company website on top search results. However, these two critical factors are tricky components of the SEO game. If you don’t know much about SEO, you may not have a deep understanding of these relevant aspects of online marketing. That’s why you must hire an expert SEO agency in Sri Lanka to make it happen for you!

Customer and keyword research: this is when you will find out what your customers are searching for and the precise terms and phrases they use to search. That way, you will rank the page for items that the customers are searching for every day.

Customer Research: If you’re already managing an online business, you already have a decent understanding of what your ideal customer looks like. To thrive with SEO, you need to build content about the topics that your buyers are searching for. And unless you know who the buyer is, it’s almost difficult to grasp the sort of thing they’re asking for.

Finding Keywords: Now that you have a specific audience, it’s time for the next step: keyword analysis. Here’s where you dig into the specific terms and phrases (search queries) that shoppers type in the search box. In particular, keywords obviously fall into two major buckets: keywords that customers use to identify what you’re offering (Product Keywords).

You often have keywords that your target audience utilizes when they’re not specifically looking for what you’re offering (Informative Keywords).

How about an explanation of this?

Let’s presume you’re operating an e-commerce website that sells hand-made jewelry.

Your list of keywords for the name will be like:

Hand-made jewelry free shipping
Men’s bracelets
Hand-made jewelry for flat fees
Informational Keywords are topics that the audience is curious in because they’re not actually shopping for jewelry:

That way, as your consumer looks for your product, the results of the search engine would pop up.

Keywords are game-changers when it comes to SEO. Let’s say you operate an online business in Sri Lanka, and it sells laptops. You can use a keyword research tool like Neil Patel’s FREE keyword research tool ubersuggest to determine the best keywords for your company website. Nevertheless, you will highly benefit from handing over such critical SEO tasks to a reputable SEO firm in Sri Lanka.

You can also try the following keyword research tools:

Keywords Everywhere Extension
Moz Keyword Explorer
Seed Keywords
You can get the big picture by taking a look at the following image; it shows what keywords and phrases customers type in Google’s and other search engines’ search boxes:

seo keyword list


SEO keywords accurately scattered across your web content leads to exceptional web rankings. It’s what SEO content writing is all about. For more information about content writing that generates exceptional online results, please contact us!

SEO-Friendly Content – the King of SEO
If you are a newbie to this subject, we put things simply for you over here. Let’s get to know it this way:

To explain what SEO content implies, it is useful to break down the term into its components:

“SEO,” as you know by now, is the method of improving the website so that users can quickly access it by search engines such as Google.
By “content,” we imply any content that exists on the web and may be found on the internet.
SEO content writing is the art of producing content that encourages the viewer/end-user to either purchase a product or service. SEO-optimized content also readily gets noticed by the search engines.

SEO copywriting is all about producing effective, persuasive, and meaningful content that addresses particular keywords such that other users can happily endorse it on social networking sites. This raises the credibility and importance of the material and boosts the Google rating of the chosen keywords. So if you strongly suggest something, Google would see it as important and you’ll get more SEO content results.

SEO copywriting allows you to reach your customers and address their different issues with well-crafted material.

Since this post explains the fundamentals of SEO, we don’t get to the deep stuff of content writers here. However, you have to know that SEO content writing is a professional service, and it’s not a DIY task. When you hire a reliable SEO company in Sri Lanka, their team has qualified SEO content writers who will perform keyword research and other SEO analysis and develop content that matters.

seo content writing


What should be your SEO Content Strategy?

Your title keywords have to be an exact copy of the title of your blog or the title of your website page.
You must compose the content in such a way that it includes the max keywords given in all tags.
Avoid overuse of keywords (keyword stuffing) in the main content. You may also proceed with secondary keywords that will override already used keywords.
Provide the appropriate headings for each section. Using paragraphs with simple, crisp content.
Meaningless texts and images can lower your SEO rating.
Your page must provide the viewer with the exact details that they have opened on your website. Always offer content that the customer loves to read, not what you want them to read!

Below are some of the factors that leading SEO agencies in Sri Lanka consider when building an SEO content strategy for their clients:

Domain authority
Competitive advantage
Engagement with user
Create something unique
Proper information
On-Page SEO Basics
Achieving success IN organic research today involves maximizing the mix of variables that search engines consider to be essential – technical, on-page, and off-page. And over years, we have seen an increasing emphasis on off-page tactics – such as link building – and other technological aspects.

But the fact is, off-page SEO isn’t going to do a lot of good until you pay heed to the basics – on-page SEO. Wise SEO Sri Lanka practitioners realize that on-page optimization can often be favored.

And because the search world is always evolving, it’s important to remember that your SEO on-page expertise is up to date.

What is SEO on-page?
On-page SEO, or known as on-site SEO, relates to the process of improving web pages in order to increase the search engine rating of websites and to attract organic traffic.

In addition to publishing appropriate, high-quality content, SEO involves optimizing the headlines, HTML tags (title, meta, and header), and images. It also requires ensuring that the website has a strong degree of knowledge, quality, and integrity.

It takes into account different facets of the website that, when taken together, can increase the popularity of the website in the search results.

Why SEO on-page is relevant
On-page SEO is critical because it allows search engines to grasp the website and its contents, as well as to decide if it applies to a search engine question asked.

When search engines grow increasingly advanced, there is a stronger emphasis on relevance and grammar in the Search Engine Results Pages ( SERPs).

Google, with its multitude of sophisticated algorithms, is already far better off at:

Identifying what consumers are specifically asking for as they form a question.
Providing search results that match the user’s purpose (relevant data, shopping, navigation).
Trying to adapt to this advancement is important, and you will do so by guaranteeing that the website and its content – both what is accessible to visitors of the websites (i.e. text, photos, video, or audio) and what is only noticeable to search engines (i.e. Markup tags, organized data) – are configured in compliance with the new quality standards.

Additionally, you can’t easily disregard SEO on-page so you have more power when optimizing on-site components – as compared to off-page SEO that consists of external signals (i.e. backlinks).

If you put your focus into on-page tactics, you can see a boost in traffic and an improvement in your search visibility.

Paying careful attention to the following 10 fields can help to boost your quality and authority – and boost your overall rankings, traffic, and conversions. Well, this might be something that you consider complicated. You can always hire a reliable SEO agency in Sri Lanka for this critical task.

1 . Title Tag
The title tag, an HTML tag that is visible in the header section of any web page, gives a very first cue or meaning as to what the subject matter of the particular page is.

It is displayed prominently in the search engine results pages (usually used as a clickable link) and also in the browser window.

The title tag itself has no effect on organic results, which is why it is often ignored.

That said, incomplete, duplicate, and badly written title tags can all adversely affect your SEO performance, so please ensure you’re optimizing this feature.

2 . E-A-T
E-A-T, which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, is the method that Google evaluators use to evaluate content owners, blogs, and blogs as a whole.

Google has often placed a priority on good quality content. It needs to ensure that high-quality content-producing sites are compensated with higher rankings and that low-quality content-creating sites become less accessible.

There is a strong connection between what Google finds to be high-quality material versus what occurs in the search results.

Name it association or cause – whatever it might be, E-A-T often plays a part in Google’s organic search performance. That implies that E-A-T must be regarded in your SEO plan.

3 . Headlines
Do you want your website content to work well on your search? And start composing the persuasive headlines.

Going to come up with a blog post title may sound so easy, but a compelling headline may be the change between a click and an impact – that’s why it’s crucial to do it strategically.

Your headlines ought to create curiosity to make SERPs stand out – encouraging visitors to click through and keep reading the rest of the material.

4 . Meta, SEO Description
Meta or SEO descriptions have been a significant optimization factor since the initial periods of SEO.

Meta descriptions, meta tags that give a summary of what the website is for, are also shown under the title of the article in the SERPs.

Although Google insists that meta descriptions do not help with rankings, there is empirical proof that indirect characteristics of better descriptions aid.

Optimizing the meta description correctly will help to improve:

Click-through rate (CTR) rate.
Perception of the consistency of the effect.
The understanding of what the website has to bring all the improvements.

5 . Header Tags
Header tags are HTML components (H1-H6) that are used to distinguish headings and subheadings within your content from other forms of text (e.g., paragraph text).

Header tags are not as highly relevant to the site rankings as they used to be, but these tags do serve a valuable role – for the visitors and your SEO.

They will indirectly affect the rankings by:

Making the material simpler and more fun for guests to learn.
Providing a rich keyword meaning for your search engine posts.
6 . Keyword Cannibalization

Real or fake, huh? The more places you target the keyword, the higher you place the keyword.

Wrong! Wrong!

Targeting a single phrase through several pages will trigger “keyword cannibalization” that has some possibly catastrophic implications for your SEO.

If you have several pages rating for the same term, you’re really competing with yourself.

It is necessary to assess if the keyword cannibalization happens on your website and to fix it immediately.

7. SEO Writings
SEO writing involves writing material for both search engines and customers.

There’s a technique for writing strong SEO content – and it’s more than just a keyword analysis and filling in the blanks.

It’s just not going to create quality for the sake of it. Note that you’re creating content for users – that’s why content has to be high-quality, meaningful, and important.

8. Audit of Content
Many content developers concentrate on developing fresh products because they fail to inspect their current content. This is a misunderstanding.

Auditing the current material is important because it helps:

Assess if the current content meets its targets and receives ROI.
Identify if the details in your content material are still valid or have been stale (or outdated).
Evaluate what sort of content you’re focused on.
Content audits will significantly improve the SEO approach and should be carried out on a routine basis.

9. Optimization of image
Including photos is a smart way to render the website more enticing. But not all images are produced equally – some of them will break down your website.

Optimizing images correctly can help you make the most of your precious SEO asset.

Image optimization has numerous benefits, such as:

Additional rating resources (see Google Image Search).
Increased customer engagement.
Load page times quicker.
Images aren’t meant to be an afterthought. Make sure you have images that help the material and include informative titles and alt text.

10 . Engagement
Improving the SEO on-page usability of your website is just half a fight.

The other half is to make sure people don’t bounce – but instead, they’ll keep viewing your stuff, engaging with it, and keep returning for more.

Retaining active audiences is a big problem in itself, but it is definitely possible. In order to improve customer interaction, emphasis on factors such as web development, user interface, and content management, among others.

Below is a summary of it all:

seo factors


Intro to Technical SEO
Technical SEO is a very necessary phase in the whole SEO process. If there are issues with your technical SEO, it is possible that your SEO attempts will not yield the desired performance. Most of the time, you will have to handover these complicated aspects of online marketing to a reliable digital marketing agency in Sri Lanka.

It is also important to make sure that you grasp what the technical SEO is and how to do it correctly. The great news is that if you make a technical SEO audit of your website and resolve any obvious bugs, you won’t have to deal with that again.

What are the best standards to implement and how to perform a professional analysis on the website using our specific SEO checklist?

What’s a Technical SEO?
Technical SEO relates to the method of improving the crawling and indexing process of your website. With Strategic SEO, you can enable search engines to navigate, scan, view, and index your website without any difficulties.

It is labeled “technical” and it has little to do with the actual content of the website or with the marketing of the website. The key purpose of the technical SEO is to improve the website infrastructure.

technical seo

What are the attributes of a technically-developed website?
It’s got an XML sitemap
It’s secure
The website doesn’t have (numerous) dead links
It has got structured data
It should not annoy search engines with duplicate content
It’s crawlable to search engines
It’s really fast
It may be difficult to get these so-called technical aspects right yourself, as they are “technical” stuff. Therefore, you have to pick a digital marketing company in Sri Lanka that can do the trick for you.

What’s Link Building & Why is it necessary to win the SEO Game?
If you’re completely new to link building or have been doing this for a long time, we’re sure you’re going to find something better in this section. The nature of SEO and link building has always been modified, and currently, the value of building high-quality links has never been significant.

The need to consider and execute high-quality strategies is important if you’re going to be competitive and prosper online, and it won’t improve any time soon.

Link Building is the method of obtaining your own hyperlinks from other websites. A hyperlink (usually referred to as a link) is a way for users to move through pages on the Internet.

Search engines use web crawl links; they will scroll through the links between the individual pages on the site, and they will scroll through the links between the whole website.

What links are intended for search engines

There are two main aspects that search engines utilize links:

Discover new web pages
To help decide how favorably a page must rate its results
When search engines have indexed pages on the site, they will retrieve the contents of certain pages and link them to their indexes. In this way, they will determine if they believe that a page is of adequate quality to match the appropriate keywords (Google created a brief video to illustrate the process).

While deciding on this, search engines do not only look at the content of the page; they often look at the number of links leading to the article from foreign sites and the reliability of such external websites. Put simply, the more high-quality websites that link to you, the more probable you are to perform well in your search results.


how seo works

As we discussed, ties are a very important signal used by search engines to evaluate rankings. So, we know that growing the number of high-quality links to your website will greatly improve the odds of ranking well.

There are other advantages of establishing ties, though, which might be less readily evident but also deserving of attention.

In a way, we can consider link building as a difficult aspect of modern SEO. Therefore, you may need the hands of a reputable SEO firm in Sri Lanka to do it for you.

What’s Search Intent in SEO?
Search intent (or purpose of the consumer, intent of the crowd) is the phrase used to define the intention of an online search. That’s why everyone is undertaking a particular quest. After all, someone who does an internet search is trying to discover something. Is anyone asking for a question and they want an answer to that question?

Looking to access a particular website? Or do they check because they want to purchase something? Many of these various forms of searches become part of the user’s experience.

Over the years, Google has worked extensively to develop the algorithm so that it can assess people’s search intentions. And Google needs to rate the sites that better suit the search word, as well as the search purpose behind a particular search term. That’s why it’s important to make sure your post or page suits your audience’s search purpose.

4 types of search intent

Navigational intent: One form of search intention is called navigational intent. People with this goal would like to visit a unique website. For eg, people looking for [Yahoo] are typically on their way to the Facebook website. Bear in mind that the top position for a navigation word is only helpful to your organic traffic if your platform is the site users are searching for.

Commercial investigation: Some people plan to purchase in the (near) future and use the internet to do their study. What type of laundry machine will be best? What SEO plugin is the most useful? These people may have a transactional purpose, but they need more time and commitment. These forms of investigative objectives are generally referred to as commercial inquiry objectives.

Informational intent: There is often an intention to know or learn something. Several searches on the Internet are conducted by people searching for knowledge. This may be weather statistics, data about teaching children, specifics about SEO, you name it. People of informational purposes have a particular query or want to know more about a specific issue.

You should be mindful that Google’s definition of purpose goes far deeper than merely displaying findings that offer knowledge about a given word.

Transactional intent: Transactional intent is the last form of quest intention. Lots of people are purchasing things on the market and searching the sites to find the right deal. People look for things with a transactional motive when their goal is to buy something.

Emerging SEO Trends
Alright, we are not going to these trends in detail over here. However, make sure you choose an up-to-date SEO firm in Sri Lanka that knows all these strategies and can implement it for you. Below is a list of the latest trends in SEO:

1) Voice search: Through this search form, people search how they speak
2) BERT is here to stay
3) Featured snippets will dominate search results as usual
4) People will prefer/demand digital experiences
5) More marketers will make use of influencers for SEO
6) Content length will determine overall search rankings
7) Video will be the brand-new king of content
8) Mobile search will continue to grow

Just when you thought you can completely comprehend SEO, then algorithm changes can happen. Today’s SEO is a comprehensive approach that involves both offline and online marketing campaigns to be effective. Invest in SEO as a long-term tactic for generating leads and remain on top of the new SEO developments to prevent being left behind.

Conclusion: Search engine optimization or SEO is a long-term marketing strategy. Well, it’s not easy as A, B, C, or not a mirage either. Factors explained in this post are the SEO fundamentals, and some aspects are easier than the others.

No matter what your company or product is, you need a reliable online marketing company in Sri Lanka to implement the right SEO strategy for it. SEO is a game-changer.